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Specialist Learning Support

Specialist Learning Support

Specialist Learning Support

Having a disability, mental health condition or specific learning difficulty shouldn’t be a barrier to higher education. So at UCW, we do all we can to support students who are affected by any of the above. We aim to foster an inclusive environment to encourage independent learning, but also provide tailored support when it is needed.

This includes supporting students through the Disabled Students’ Allowance application process, study skills sessions, mental health and wellbeing advice and specialist support, including for those on the autism spectrum.

Please click on the dropdowns below to find out more.

Our Specialist Learning Support Team is led by Specialist Support Manager Jacqui Fenton-Collins. If you’d like to contact Jacqui, please email her at

The team can be contacted on or by phone on 01934 411 558 or 07891 618 057. They can also be found in room 020 in the Winter Gardens, room 303 in Knightstone and room C109 in Loxton Campus.

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