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Wider Information Set (WIS)
Wider Information Set (WIS)
UCW is committed to making it as easy as possible for applicants, students and the wider public to access accurate information about us as an organisation.
This is known in the sector as our ‘Wider Information Set’, and we provide this information to:
- Inform about the benefits of higher education.
- Provide prospective students with the information they need to make an informed decision about what to study and where.
- Evidence the quality assurance processes of which we are subject to.
- Share information to demonstrate our commitment to making a positive contribution to our local community.
This information shows the number of students who attained a particular degree or academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.
The Weston College Group Higher Education Strategic Plan has been developed to set out clear aims for the student experience, how we plan to expand our curriculum, our partnerships and economic plans.
It also contains our mission statement:
“To deliver an outstanding higher education experience, enabling success and inspiring ambition.”
A key strategic aim for UCW is:
“To focus on graduate employability and the development of those skills needed to ensure that individuals are ready and able to enter the world of work or self-employment.”
We have set out the following operational activities to achieve this:
“All programmes will use “live” scenarios for assignments where possible. Tutorial entitlement will guarantee input regarding employability and, where appropriate, self-employment. UCW will also offer a comprehensive careers service to all higher education students.”
As part of the developing all of our programmes, the key focus has been to engage with employers to ensure that all graduates are ready to enter the work place with a current skillset.
Programmes have been designed to reflect the needs of industry and have work based learning and professional development at the core.
The University Centre Weston (UCW) Work-Based Learning Policy ensures that all programmes UCW adhere to both the UK Quality Code for Higher Education (2018), the Office for Students (OFS) (2018) requirements.
Please click the link to find out more about UCW’s Governance, Management and Meeting Structures. (Please note, this document is currently being updated and will be available shortly.)
Extensive information about our courses can be found on our website and also in our Undergraduate Prospectus.
The Higher Education and Research Act 2017 requires higher education institutions to maintain a Student Protection Plan to protect students’ interests in the case of material change, e.g. programme changes, suspensions, closures, or institutional closure.
The UCW Student Protection Plan has been prepared in accordance with that
requirement, following guidance from the Office for Students and has been written in consultation with students.
The UCW Retention Strategy outlines the steps we take to engage with our student body and support individuals to remain in higher education.
UCW is committed to supporting access and participation to higher education. As part of the UCW Higher Education Strategic Plan, the Strategic Aims align directly to the Office for Students (OfS) priorities which relate to access, participation, student success and progression, and demonstrate the strength of commitment UCW has to these areas.
Please click the links below to access the relevant documents:
The UK Quality Code for Higher Education sets out the expectations that all providers of UK higher education are required to meet. It is published by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, which is responsible for reviewing higher education standards in colleges and universities.
Please click here to find out more about our quality and standards, including links to our most recent Higher Education Review and Teaching Excellence Framework reports.
External examining is one of the other main methods of maintaining UK threshold academic standards with higher education institutions. UCW makes use of reports provided by external examiners to assure quality and standards and identify opportunities for enhancement. These are made available internally for students via the Virtual Learning Environment.
The UCW Tuition Fees Policy details essential information relating to fees and payment of fees.
UCW’s Tuition Fee Summary provides an overview of all payable fees.
The UCW Exceptional Refunds and Compensation Policy applies to programme discontinuation, when it is not possible, or feasible, to teach out a course.
The UCW Admissions Policy details essential information about the process of applying to study at UCW.
UCW receives the majority of its income from tuition fees, so is therefore committed to spending the majority of its money on learning, teaching and student support.
Additional information is available upon request. Please contact enquiries@ucw.ac.uk
The UCW Publishing Statement outlines the steps taken by UCW to ensure that published materials in all formats are comprehensive, accurate, fully compliant with all relevant legislation and readily accessible. This is to ensure that all intended audiences (including students, prospective students, parents/guardians, members of the public and stakeholders) have access to objective and unbiased information on which to base judgements about UCW regarding applications and quality and standards.
As part of the Weston College Group, UCW is committed to openness and transparency and making information about us readily available to the public.
Like all public authorities, the Weston College Group is required to adhere to the Freedom of Information Act, and produce a publication scheme, which has been produced in line with the Information Commissioner’s Office guidance on freedom of information. Please click here if you would like to make a formal Freedom of Information request or find out more about the Weston College Group’s policies and procedures pertaining to the Freedom of Information Act.
The College is an exempt charity and was incorporated under the terms of the Education Act in 1970.
University Centre Weston (UCW) is formally known as Weston College of Further and Higher Education. Its Education Establishment number is 8028014, Ofsted reference 130564.
Weston College of Further and Higher Education has due regard to the Charity Commissioners guidance on the reporting of public benefits as set out in the Annual report and financial statements.
Please click the link to find out more about UCW Complaints Policy and Procedure.
Please find the following Weston College Group report on the Gender Pay Gap.
Open Day
Come along to our next Open Day to find out how we could help you achieve your ambitions with higher education.