
UCW Student Megan Excels in Business Management and Sustainability


UCW student Megan is making impressive strides in her studies, pursuing a degree in Business Management and Sustainability. With a passion for integrating sustainable practices into business strategies, Megan has found UCW to be the perfect environment to develop her knowledge and skills. 

Megan appreciates the comprehensive approach UCW takes in delivering its courses. “I have loved the overall structure of the university and how my course has been delivered,” she remarks. The variety of assessment methods, including report writing, portfolio assembly, group projects, and presentations, has equipped her with a versatile skill set. “This variety provided me with the chance to learn new skills which I can take forward with me for a job in the future.” 

The personal touch at UCW, with smaller class sizes and supportive lecturers, has enhanced Megan’s educational experience. “The lecturers here at UCW are so lovely; they are willing to help support students through every stage of uni,” Megan notes. She values the interactive lessons and the lecturers’ ability to draw on their own experiences, which have “massively improved my knowledge.” 

Megan’s journey at UCW has been further enriched by the dedicated support services available. As someone with dyslexia, she has benefited greatly from the one-on-one skills support provided by the study support team. “This access to extra support has helped me improve my academic writing and overall contributions to my assignments,” she explains.  

The facilities at UCW have also played a crucial role in Megan’s success. The variety of study spaces, extensive library resources, and online materials have all been pivotal, especially during her final year. “The online resources have made a huge difference to my work, especially as this year required more independent study,” Megan says. 

One of the highlights of Megan’s time at UCW was a trip to New York, part of the digital communications module. “This was an exciting opportunity and amazing to experience visiting a new place while still directly related to my degree!” 

Looking ahead, Megan is excited about the future opportunities her degree will open up. She has discovered a passion for marketing and events, areas she hadn’t initially considered. “The marketing modules have really given me an insight into this career path and sparked my interest,” she shares. 

Megan’s enthusiasm for her course is evident in her enjoyment of the various modules, particularly digital communications, contemporary issues in business, and project management. The unique focus on sustainability has also been a highlight, providing valuable insights into this increasingly important field. 

Megan’s journey at UCW exemplifies our commitment to academic excellence and personal growth, preparing students to thrive in their future careers. 

To find out more about Business Management and Sustainability, click here!