
UCW Award Winner Nigel’s Remarkable Growth


Nigel Parker, a dedicated and resilient student from the FdSc Nursing Associate, was honoured as both the Counselling, Education & Healthcare Student of the Year and the Institute of Technology Student of the Year at this year’s UCW Awards! Despite facing numerous personal and academic challenges, and juggling full-time employment, Nigel has consistently exceeded expectations, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to his studies and high-quality, evidence-based care.

Nigel’s journey into higher education began after a ten-year career in general practice. Despite not achieving strong GCSE results initially, his passion for nursing never wavered. He returned to college to earn his English and Maths GCSEs, which enabled him to enrol in the Trainee Nursing Associate (TNA) foundation degree. “The TNA course offers another route for people with prior knowledge and experience to become a registered nurse associate and, if desired, to go on to become a registered nurse,” Nigel explains.

Choosing UCW for his higher education was a fortunate twist of fate. Nigel lives around the corner from another university but there was an opportunity to enrol quickly at UCW. Nigel says, “It was worth every traffic jam and leaving early to attend UCW.”

Nigel’s time at UCW has been filled with notable achievements, including being nominated for Student of the Year twice and engaging in hands-on learning experiences. “I have had the best time at UCW. My lecturer is AMAZING. Her natural teaching style just clicks with me. I also had the incredible experience of meeting Princess Anne in the simulation suite, and I dissected a heart and kidney, which has significantly helped me understand chronic diseases,” Nigel recalls.

Nigel’s academic journey included several placements, which reaffirmed his career goals. The support from UCW staff, especially his lecturer and academic assessor, was instrumental in his success. “They helped me through personal bereavements, offering professional and emotional support that was beyond measure. I couldn’t have finished the course without them,” he says gratefully.

Currently adjusting to his new role, Nigel plans to enrol in the RNDA course at UCW and aims to become a registered nurse specialising in long-term conditions such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease. He also aspires to complete a prescribing course and become a contraceptive implant fitter and remover. “My time at UCW has made me even more certain that I am on the right path,” he affirms.

Nigel’s personal and professional growth during his time at UCW has been profound. He has built lifelong friendships with his TNA cohort and gained confidence in his clinical judgements. “The imposter syndrome has lessened since attending UCW, and I’ve been offered jobs at every placement I’ve been to,” he proudly states.

For those considering studying at UCW, Nigel’s advice is clear: “Every staff member at Winter Gardens has been approachable, kind, and helpful. I could not have been more supported. If anyone is offered the opportunity to attend UCW, absolutely go for it. I will always choose UCW for future courses.”

Find out more about the Nursing Associate degree apprenticeship by clicking here!