Choosing to go to university, where to go, what to study... it's a big decision! You wouldn't want make any decisions without being properly informed about what University life is all about. You need to make sure you make the right decision for YOU - That's why we've set up this event!
Hosted in the grand Winter Gardens ballroom in Weston-super-Mare, at this event you'll learn about different aspects of uni life, get to know more about finance options and the ins and outs of the application process. You'll come away with a much better understanding of the benefits of higher education and what type of higher education is right for you...
Out panel of experts will also be available for a Q&A session to answer any questions you may have about going to university.
COVID-19 Event Entry requirements:
On arrival, guests will be asked to provide evidence of a negative Lateral Flow Tests that was taken within 24 hours of the event.
Masks are required to be worn by all guests, unless exempt.
If there is a positive case in your household, we advise that you do not attend.
Events and their entry requirements are subject to change should any government or local requirements be enforced.