
Get Ready for the Future in UCW Careers Week


UCW’s Careers Week is running from the 24th to the 28th of March! This week will be a great time to look towards the future and work out what kind of jobs you want, and how you can reach this goal. 

During this week, students in third year will have the opportunity to have a practice interview with members of UCW and Weston staff, including those from the Senior Leadership Team. These interviews will be conducted as if they are real job interviews, with the opportunity for feedback and suggestions for improvement given afterwards. If you’re not able to make it in person, don’t worry, as Teams interviews will also be offered. Interviews will be held in formal clothes to make things as realistic as possible. If this is a problem, speak to the HEART Team as they will have interview clothes available to borrow. 

For students in first and second year, staff will be coming into classes to discuss interview techniques. These techniques include preparation for interviews, using the STAR (situation, task, action, result) method and many others to get you ready for the future. 

If you’re a UCW student, book now to secure your interview by clicking here!