
Emily’s Environmental Health Experience


Today we’re meeting Emily, one of our amazing UCW alumni!  

Emily is employed by Somerset Council as an Environmental Health Officer in private sector housing. Her job role involves HMO Licensing and inspections. Dealing with housing standards complaints, inspections and reports. Enforcement action against landlords when necessary. Campsite licensing and visits.  

Emily works a hybrid working pattern, working three days from home to catch up on admin such as writing reports, completing assessments and liaising with landlords or tenants. She is currently working hard towards her portfolio to achieve chartered status. Two days are spent on the road doing inspections of properties.  

Emily had positive words for her time on the Public and Environmental Health Course! “UCW provided me with great foundations within environmental health. It gave me practical skills as well as knowledge on the subject and industry. My lecturers Nahum and Mark supported me in getting experience whilst carrying out my studies.” One of Emily’s favourite parts of the course was the passion that the lecturers had for the degree! 

Emily enjoyed her time so much that it was difficult for her to pick a favourite module, but she enjoyed the complexities of the dissertation. She also lauded the labs, saying that they were great to get a hands on feel for microbiology.  

To find out more about environmental health at UCW, click here!