This apprenticeship contains options for HR specialisms and for people management responsibilities. Individuals will be in a role using their HR expertise to provide and lead the delivery of HR solutions to business challenges, together with tailored advice to the business in a number of HR areas, typically to mid-level and senior managers.
3 Years
Start Date:
Delivered in the workplace
Delivered in
partnership with:
About this course
This apprenticeship contains options for HR specialisms and for people management responsibilities. Individuals will be in a role using their HR expertise to provide and lead the delivery of HR solutions to business challenges, together with tailored advice to the business in a number of HR areas, typically to mid-level and senior managers.
If you don’t have an employer lined up to support you with your apprenticeship, take a look at the current vacancies available for this programme:

We're taking education to a whole new level. By being part of a Career Excellence Hub, all of our study programmes are designed to make you "job ready" when you graduate.
We work with a diverse range of local and national employers to ensure our courses are upgraded with career-boosting benefits.
- Incredible and inspiring guest lecturers
- Exclusive networking opportunities
- Key focus on skills employers are after
- Course content is signed off by employers to ensure what you're being taught is up to date and relevant to the industry