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Children’s University

Children’s University

Children’s University

Are you a parent, teacher or representative of a North Somerset primary school looking to raise aspirations and ignite love for learning? Then look no further.

University Centre Weston works in close partnership with North Somerset Children’s University to support and encourage the participation in both fun and engaging extra-curricular activities.

Research has shown that children that take part in extracurricular activities tend to build the self-confidence and resilience needed to help them achieve their aspirations in the future. Children’s University North Somerset hopes to help local children expand their ambitions and support them on their journey to a successful future.

Congratulations on your offer to study at University Centre Weston!

We would like to welcome you to our Applicants' Hub, our new platform introduced to support applicants in the time between being given an offer and enrolling with us. The hub will be updated regularly with new information and resources to support you over the coming months.

Click the tabs below to access more information.

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