UCW Hair, Makeup and Prosthetics for Production student, Claire Cox, has won the AHT (Association of Hairdressers and Therapists) Southwest regional competition!
AHT is a national competition that enhances learner technical and employability skills, as well as testing them under pressure to prepare them for the trade.
Claire is currently a third year student studying the Hair, Makeup and Prosthetics for Production BA (hons), delivered in partnership with Bath Spa University. This course enables learners to progress into a career in hairstyling, cosmetics, prosthetics and special effects by providing the opportunity to enhance practical techniques alongside studies of the key practices and practitioners underpinning disciplines.
The Southwest heat for AHT took place at Weston College where learners from across the region arrived to compete with the hopes of winning a spot in the prestigious national finals.
With only 72 hours notice, Claire was a late entrant to the advanced category. The brief was to provide a half body paint, front and back under the theme “Robots”.
Claire’s concept was inspired by Japanese Geisha. She added: “I wanted to do something different from just the obvious robot ideas. I also wanted to use a blond wig, again to be different, as geishas never have blond hair. I was inspired to style the hair in a Geisha style by a documentary I watched about a real geisha hairdresser.”
The AHT judge was highly impressed with Claire’s standard of work. She won the category and scored so highly she has already been invited to Blackpool to compete against all regional winners.
Claire continued: “I felt really surprised and happy when I won. I did not expect it as I was a last minute entry and did not have much time to come up with a concept, design or to practice for that matter. I have loved my time studying at UCW, it has made me really creative in a way I never knew I could be. I have enjoyed learning all the new skills I now have and would like to thank my lecturers Sandy and Tara for challenging and encouraging me to be more confident creatively.”
Described by peers as a talented and passionate tutor who supports all students voraciously especially in the competition arena Tara will continue working with our competition squad to support more achievements such as this!
Congratulations to Claire, we look forward to witnessing you become a National Champion!