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Degrees That Work

Degrees That Work

Degrees That Work

At UCW we understand that employers in today’s competitive jobs market are looking to hire candidates with real experience that will benefit their organisation.

We therefore consult with employers every time we launch a new course to make sure our students gain the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in their chosen field, and that there will be relevant job opportunities when they graduate.

Our partnerships with employers include delivering apprenticeships for the likes of the NHS, Ministry of Defence, Wessex Water, Airbus and Rolls-Royce, and we also have great links with professional bodies.

When we have an inspiring speaker or a visiting expert, we try to invite all of our students to take part. In the past year alone, UCW students have been in guest lectures with the director of a Star Wars film, a Hollywood agent, representatives of independent and multinational businesses and leading designers, to mention just a few.

Many of our courses include a work experience element, so students can get real experience of their chosen professions, and practical assessments play a big part too.

We also provide platforms for our creative and performance arts students to showcase their talents. In recent years this has included week-long runs of performances at the Theatre Royal, Windsor, bi-annual festivals of creativity at our Loxton Campus, film screenings at top regional cinemas and numerous other shows, gigs and exhibitions.

Whereas many traditional universities expect students to attend lectures all throughout the week, many of the courses at UCW are timetabled over two or three days on a full-time basis, leaving time for students to work part-time alongside their studies.


Careers coaching

UCW students have access to a careers coaching service, which is included in the cost of their tuition. 

Our knowledgeable careers consultant arranges visits to careers events where students can explore opportunities and network with real employers.

Our students are also offered guidance in individual sessions and group workshops, and are encouraged to take advantage of our wealth of online careers resources so they are prepared to start or further their careers when they graduate.

Quick Stats

University Centre Weston is committed to delivering an outstanding higher education experience, enabling success and inspiring ambition.

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