
Lauren’s Impressive Award Success!


Lauren has been recognised with two prestigious awards: Sport & Sciences Student of the Year and the overall Higher Education Student of the Year at University Centre Weston. From the outset, Lauren’s commitment to her studies was evident. Described as a pleasure to have in class, her determination to excel led to a remarkable transformation, evident in her impressive academic results.

As a dedicated mother of two young children, Lauren has juggled multiple jobs to provide a stable home for her family. Her motivation to further her education stems from a desire to secure a better-paying job to support her children and provide them with opportunities. “I would like to set an example and be a good role model for my children,” she shares. Lauren is completing her FdSc in Biological Laboratory Science, a journey that has inspired her son to follow in her footsteps.

Lauren chose UCW for its convenient location, allowing her to stay close to her children. “UCW is a 30-minute drive from my home, so I felt at ease knowing I wasn’t too far away from my children if they needed me,” she explains. Her passion for plant biology, discovered during her Level 3 Diploma in Horticulture, led her to the FdSc Biological Laboratory Science course at UCW.

Before joining UCW, Lauren left school at 16 with 9 A-C GCSEs and went straight to work. In her mid-twenties, after having her children, she began studying part-time and completed two Level 2 certificates in Horticulture and Floristry, followed by a Level 3 diploma in Horticulture. This educational journey paved the way for her current degree.

One of Lauren’s highlights at UCW has been overcoming her fear of public speaking. “I’ve now completed four presentations to date, and each time my grade has improved, which is just astonishing to me,” she proudly notes. Lauren’s academic achievements are impressive. She has consistently improved her grades, achieving distinctions in her assignments.

The support from UCW staff, especially her tutors, has been invaluable. “The tutors and staff have been very encouraging and supportive of personal struggles, difficulties, and other commitments,” she says.

Lauren has faced numerous challenges, including managing her time effectively and staying focused on assignments. Her solution? A detailed fortnightly rota on her fridge, breaking down her daily tasks and preparations. “Preparation for me is key to success,” she emphasises.

After graduation, Lauren plans to continue her education with a BSc in Biological Sciences and potentially pursue a master’s degree. Her long-term career goal is to enjoy her work and provide financial stability for her family.

Lauren’s time at UCW has been transformative both personally and professionally. “I have recognised that I do work hard, and I give my all to every commitment I have, including my children, my education, and my work,” she reflects. Professionally, she has gained valuable academic skills, including report writing, literature interpretation, and presentation skills.

To prospective students, Lauren advises, “For the mature student, going back into education can seem daunting. Start by taking small steps to get back into education. UCW has small, intimate class sizes and supportive tutors. This has given me the confidence I needed to achieve my life goals, and YOU can do that too.”

Lauren’s dedication and resilience have not only earned her top academic honours but have also made her an inspiration to her peers and the entire UCW community. Her story is a testament to the power of hard work and determination in overcoming life’s challenges and achieving one’s dreams.

To find out more about Animal, Environment and Biological Studies at UCW, click here!